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Real Estate Developers

Providing Professional Liability cover for the sophisticated risks facing real estate developers requires high levels of underwriting skill and business acumen. Our innovative solutions make our brokers’ lives easier and create peace of mind for their clients.


We have the tier one underwriting skills and business acumen to offer innovative solutions to our clients problems.

We cover everything from acquisition and entitlement of property to development and property management services. Our prospective insureds cover the spectrum, from traditional construction firms to real estate investment trusts. All while delivering exceptional customer service and efficient claims management.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with the team directly.

Spencer Poole

VP, Underwriter | Real Estate Developers & Miscellaneous Professional Liability

I’ve worked in the insurance industry for 10 years, including seven years underwriting and managing Professional Liability portfolios for Hiscox and Argo Group.

When Convex US approached me to join them, I couldn’t say no. The company’s values and vision really spoke to me, and the culture is second to none. The combination of an established name and culture of Convex Group, lots of capital and no legacy US business made for an opportunity that only comes along once in a lifetime.

The level of influence I have on big strategic decisions is a privilege, too. Since starting, I’ve put business systems in place and helped to launch two Professional Liability products, Miscellaneous Professional Liability and Real Estate Developers. Having that agency, together with the underwriting ability to work on sophisticated risks, is exciting.

Who we do business with

We work exclusively with wholesale brokers managing the limited distribution of Real Estate Developers Professional Liability cover. It’s a specialist field, plus I’ve known many of the brokers for years, so they already understand what our product covers and how to sell it.

Through our network, we write insurance for some of the biggest property developers in the world, all US-domiciled and spread across the country. Increasingly, we’re seeing developers invest heavily in green energy and infrastructure modernization projects, as well as residential housing.

How we work

With almost 100 years of combined experience, our team has the underwriting skill and business acumen needed to cover sophisticated risks.

We want to become the underwriter of choice for our top brokers, but we also want to be useful to them. We do that by offering exceptional customer service. It’s why we’re always making sure everything is squared away for our brokers and why we take the claims process seriously.

Our investment in technology and data analytics is a differentiator too. Over time, we’ll be able to make more informed decisions, better understand our brokers and their clients and automate the simpler aspects of our work. This will enable us to focus on areas that need a human touch.