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Miscellaneous Professional Liability

The market for Miscellaneous Professional Liability insurance has grown in recent years. Our cover protects professionals both new and established from the consequences of possible errors in the course of providing professional services.


No contractor or consultant wants the financial and emotional fallout of a lawsuit.

Our Miscellaneous Professional Liability cover protects everyone from actuaries and real estate agents to HR consultants and zoologists, so they can go about their business knowing that their personal savings aren’t at risk if they make a mistake.

Spencer Poole

VP, Underwriter | Real Estate Developers & Miscellaneous Professional Liability

I’ve worked in the insurance industry for 10 years, including seven years underwriting and managing Professional Liability portfolios for Hiscox and Argo Group.

When Convex US approached me to join them, I couldn’t say no. The company’s values and vision really spoke to me, and the culture is second to none.

Convex Group is both established and well capitalized and this made for an opportunity that only comes along once in a lifetime.

How we work

We try to meet brokers face-to-face where possible.

It gives us the opportunity to discuss how we can serve their clients and end buyers better. And it shows we really want to support their business.

Who we do business with

We work with wholesale brokers nationwide to provide comprehensive cover for the 300+ categories of professions that fall under the bracket of Miscellaneous Professional Liability.

That means our cover protects everyone from actuaries and real estate agents to HR consultants and zoologists.